Dogs eat without chewing food because their ancestors, wolves, did so too! Even though your dog swallows food, eating so fast can cause very serious health problems.

Remember that if your dog eats too quickly, it may not be chewing too much food.

Dog Eating Too Fast and Throwing Up

Making your pet less anxious about food is in your hands!

Many things can cause a dog to eat excessively and quickly. Although it can be fixed, it is essential to discover the reason behind it first.

Studies revealed that it could be because of the anxiety caused by the lack of walks  or even an environment that has many stimuli. It can also appear when we have more than one dog or another pet that is simply a glutton.

When a dog needs time to snack with other dogs in your home, one of them will race down to the bottom of the plate.  They do not feel secure and relaxed in this area. The dog is afraid if its sibling takes its food or either the dog wanted to eat its sibling’s food.

What If My Dog is Eating Too Fast And What Is The Symptoms

A domestic pug used to devour its food without chewing. However, it runs some risks. Among others, it eats more food than it actually needs. A townhouse is unlike the wild, and in the absence of a herd, the bite competition also disappears.

It is the owner who must ensure that your animal does not accumulate more fat than it needs. The real problem is not that the dog swallows without chewing, but the amount of food it eats.

Excessively fast food intake can promote gas accumulation and the dreaded stomach twist, which is also a veterinary emergency. This sudden and fatal pathology occurs when a large amount of food, liquids, and air accumulates in the stomach, causing the organ to rotate on itself. It can also happen that the dog chokes while eating or eats too fast and doesn’t chew, so it ends up vomiting.

These signs indicate that something is wrong. So, it is always advisable to make a veterinary visit to assess the dog’s health.

The equation between intake and energy consumption breaks down when the animal overfeeds. This is the case of dogs with a voracious appetite, which asks for food at all hours and never seems to satisfy their hunger.

One study showed that between 20% to 40% of dogs suffer from excessive fat that compromises their health. However, owners do not always perceive being overweight in their own pets.

Puppy Eats Too Fast Hiccups

Hiccup is a clear symptom that your dog eats too fast. As it usually happens in the human species, the hiccup in dogs occurs spasmodically as a result of certain actions.

It is an involuntary reaction that is usually common and not dangerous at all. Indeed, if it lasts too long, it can be annoying for the adult puppy or dog and desperate for the owners of the animal who observe the scene.

Uncontrollable spasm happens as the diaphragm contracts. The diaphragm is a rigid muscle layer that is dome-shaped and divides the chest and abdominal cavities.

As a dog breathes, the diaphragm expands and descends, allowing enough space for the lungs to rise with oxygen in the chest cavity. On the other side, the diaphragm relaxes during exhalation and falls into the thoracic cavity. Typically the diaphragm movements are quick and normal, but hiccups arise when the muscle spontaneously contracts.

Around the same moment, hiccups are followed by a rapid contraction of the dog’s larynx, a glottis that blocks the breath. This abrupt interruption is what causes the hiccup tone.
The triggers of hiccups in dogs may be numerous and specific.

To Overcome or Prevent Hiccups, We Need To Learn The Following Reasons:

  • Your dog may drink or consume its food really fast: When the dog eats very quickly, it ingests excess air together with food, and when digestion starts, the air begins flatulence and hiccups. Stop this by encouraging your dog to consume slowly and to split the food into six tiny pieces, which you will serve within 40 seconds.
  • Excessive cold: To make it relax, dogs require a dry and quiet space to maintain their body temperature. Naturally, dogs with very small races are typically the most impacted by this condition and must be vigilant in the cold seasons of the year.
  • Anxiety: Any situations can cause your dog to feel anxious and even panic, causing a hiccup incident. Please take a look at your dog’s emotions to improve your attitude and actions.
  • Disorders in the heart: It makes the dog’s body to refuse any food. If this happens, visit the vet quickly. Your dog may eat any harmful or expired food.

Puppy Eating Too Fast And Gets Diarrhea

Dog’s diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom of other problems, such as eating too fast. It consists of the deposition of formless and liquid feces.

It often exists in a large volume or an increase over the average frequency. Sometimes, they are accompanied by flatulence, retching, or fever.

The two fundamental causes of diarrhea are:

How The Dog Processes Food And Why It Can Cause Diarrhea

It takes about eight hours for food to pass through our dog’s small intestine. In this process, the absorption of most of the food and 80% of the water occurs. The rest reaches the colon, where it is concentrated. In the end, there is an evacuation of well-formed feces, without blood, strong odors, or mucus.

But if the transit through the intestine is fast, the food reaches the rectum in a liquid state, causing a loose and shapeless evacuation. Most transient dog diarrhea occurs from this cause.

The alteration of the diet could produce a rapid transit, being one of the frequent causes of diarrhea in the dog, either due to intolerance to any of the new components, eating with anxiety, or other causes. That is why the serving of fresh foods in a slow and controlled manner is recommended.

When do I take him to the vet?

  • If diarrhea lasts more than 24 hours.
  • If the stool contains blood or is black and tarry.
  • If you also vomit.
  • If you are weak, depressed, with a fever.
  • In the case of older dogs, diarrhea may last for more than three days. It can indicate kidney or liver disease caused by malabsorption and parasites. Your vet is the best professional to go to.
  • Puppies experience dehydration very quickly, so it is best to see a vet quickly at the first symptoms.
  • If you see blood, worms, or mucus, also go to the vet. Always remember that he is the best professional to whom you can go. These articles are merely informative and help you get to know your dog better, but not to replace a vet for a proper diagnosis.

Diarrhea happens not only because of eating too fast

  • Diarrhea is a symptom of an intestinal problem. It is often not serious and remits in about 24 hours. If it lasts longer or is recurring, consult your vet.
  • Observe your dog and consider its mood and the color of its feces. If they are bloody, black and tarry or you have any questions, call your vet.
  • Please pay attention to the foods they eat. They are often the cause of diarrhea. Buy quality dog food, and don’t overfeed it.
  • Pay attention when you take him for a walk where other animals defecate. Droppings can contain parasites.
  • Watch out for the trash.

Finally, educate your dog so that it does not take food from the ground or eat too fast. It is the best way to control your dog diet and prevent diseases, intolerances, and allergies.