You can get financial assistance by pet insurance, getting a credit line, considering crowdfunding, hosting a group yard sale, using free or low-cost clinics, and having a pet savings account. You can also ask for help from local shelters, friends, family, or family vets and seek help from non-profit organizations.

Where To go When You Can’t Afford Veterinary Treatment for Your Dog?

It could happen to any pet parent: many times, circumstances change, and you can’t afford vet care. Do you deny paying the vet bills when you can’t take care of him anymore? No pet owner would want their dog to suffer when the health care bills for a dog are not affordable.

Sadly, many pet parents discover pet insurance when it is too late -You rush to the emergency clinic with your dog that is very sick or has a serious injury. You need to know that pet insurance can never cover pre-existing health problems. Therefore, pet owners are left with no choice to search for other pet assistance foundations for dogs that need surgery.

We would recommend keeping your other options available in an emergency as you can not always rely on non-profit organizations for your pet’s overall financial assistance.

National Organizations That Can Give Financial Assistants to Dog Parents:

  • The Big Hearts Funds
  • Brown Dog Foundation
  • Canine Cancer Awareness
  • Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Foundation
  • Magic Bullet Fund
  • The Mosby Fund
  • The Onyx & Breezy Foundation
  • Paws 4 A Cure
  • The Pet Fund
  • Pets of the Homeless
  • Red Rover Relief
  • Shakespeare Animal Fund

The Big Hearts Fund

Pet owners with low-income families who struggle to get help may get some financial assistance from this organization. They often help people to cover the cost of their pet’s diagnosis and heart disease treatment. Applicants need to get a proper diagnosis and their treatment or surgery plan from the vet for applying.

Brown Dog Foundation

This organization is committed to helping families who feel ashamed of being poor or are having some financial crisis, and their pet needs life-saving treatment or life-long medications. They provide you one-time benefits. They are very dedicated to strengthen and maintain the bond between pet parents and their furry friends during difficult times when you are financially weak.

Canine Cancer Awareness

When you are having a temporary financial crisis, you often think of getting rid of the dog you can no longer care for. This organization helps in sponsoring emergency vet care for free to the dogs that are diagnosed with cancer. They offer help to families who are financially weak or are helpless to afford the vet bills.

Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Foundation

This foundation came into existence for the owners and caretakers of the pets that are diagnosed with cancer who need grants for their furry friends for their care under a board-certified veterinary oncologist. They properly analyze the pet’s condition, which helps them in doing advanced cancer research and take care of their overall treatment costs.

Magic Bullet Fund

Another cancer-focused organization Magic Bullet Fund also helps people who love their pets unconditionally but are not capable of paying the veterinary bills and additional medications required for the treatment of cancer. This organization focuses on both cats and dogs that are diagnosed with cancer and are in a critical condition.

The Mosby Fund

The Mosby fund provides veterinary, financial help to the pets for several health care needs like injury, critical sickness, and animal abuse. They also help people who want to put their dogs to sleep but can’t afford it, along with the dogs that are thrown away with the help of public education and financial support.

The Onyx & Breezy Foundation

The Onyx & Breezy Foundation offers funds and support by following initiatives:

  • Spray and neuter programs
  • Food, supplies, and medicines
  • Medicines and other medical equipment required for police and military dogs
  • Helps sanctuaries, rescues, shelters, and foster groups
  • Cancer research
  • Pets of people having medical hardship
  • Rescue the animals from kill shelters
  • Puppy mill rescues along with disaster relief
  • Other endeavors that could benefit animals

Paws 4 A Cure

The Paws 4 A Cure helps in providing financial assistance to the people living in the United States who are not able to afford dog health care needs without any external help. They cover all the non-routine vet care costs for dogs and cats who can’t afford it. The maximum assistance they could provide is up to $500 per person.

The Pet Fund

The Pet Fund offers funds to pet parents who can not afford expensive medical treatment or surgeries for their pets. They can only help people with non-urgent situations, but if it is urgent medical attention, they can’t help you. Non-urgent care may include heart disease, endocrine diseases, cancer treatment, chronic conditions, eye diseases, etc. Eligible pet parents are free to apply for long-term and one-time care.

 Pets of the Homeless

This organization has a special place in everyone’s heart. They especially focus on the pets that are owned by homeless people. They are always happy to offer food, basic care, and medical emergency to the pets. If you know someone who is homeless and has a pet that requires immediate care and help, then this is the organization that can help them.

Red Rover Relief

This program offers emotional and financial support to pet parents and pet rescuers and helps them in caring for the animals rescued from a life-threatening illness. They also have resources that can help dogs rescuing from domestic violence and provides disaster relief.

Shakespeare Animal Fund

This organization offers help to the disabled, older dogs, and people whose income lies below the poverty line. They provide assistance for the following situations.

  • Hit by a car
  • Bite wounds
  • Pneumonia
  • Fractures
  • Seizing
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Euthanasia
  • Torn toenails
  • Toxin exposure
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Laceration repairs
  • Abscess
  • Vomiting
  • Straining to eliminate
  • Paralysis
  • Infections
  • Foxtails

Other Sources of Financial Help

There are many other effective and creative ways that can help your save money and cut some cost while caring for your pet. Here are some of the smart ways you might want to consider for raising funds for your pet’s vet bills:

Pro Tip:

It is crucial to understand the company’s policies and study them in advance, as some companies might not be suitable for you and your furry friend’s medical needs.

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance can not help you with any ongoing treatment or surgery, but it could be an excellent way to make it easier for you to manage your pet’s medical care in the future.

Just by paying a small amount from your pocket each month, pet insurance can cover all costs of medical treatments and emergency needs without asking for extra finance.

Credit Line

CareCredit is a unique type of credit card that provides beauty and healthcare finances, including medical emergencies and veterinary expenses for your pets.

It also requires an application for approval, so you must have some credit in order to get this card.

There is also a thing with CareCredit that you might have to pay more in interest than the actual medical cost. But, it is still a great option.

Talk to your Veterinarian, Friends, and Family

You may ask your vet about the payment plans or if they have any contacts with some local resources that could offer emergency financial assistance to take care of your pet’s medical care needs. Some vets might also have an affiliation with the rescue teams, and they might have funds ready to help needy people.

There is no harm in asking for financial help from your friends and family, as they might be willing to offer help for your pet in its difficult situation.

Pro Tip:

Always check whether your vet accepts CareCredit as not everyone approves them


Sadly, even with great care, your pet might experience serious medical care. By using proper resources and intelligence, you will be able to manage the financial expenses for your pet’s care.