Providing the best type of food for your dog can be challenging.
Sometimes the most modern and expensive food might not be the best choice.
Vets advise that market food should be mixed with homemade meals.
These homemade meals include organ meat.
Let’s learn the benefits and best ways to prepare organ meat.
What is The Best Organ Meat For Your Dog?
The best organ meat for your dog is beef liver.
Although it sounds weird, beef liver is very nutritious.
It contains from 10 to 100 times more nutrients than muscle meat.
Benefits of Eating Organ Meat
One of the meals you may feed your dog that is most nutrition-packed is organ meat.
The entrails are richer in vitamins, minerals, and protein than lean muscular meat.
Organ meats are rich sources of vitamins A, B, D, and E.
They also contain minerals like copper, iron, and zinc.
Eating raw chicken liver provides high-quality protein and fat.
They are all necessary for your dog’s wellness. [1]
Nutrients in Organ Meat
- Proteins
- Fats
- Vitamins
- Minerals
For dogs, protein is a crucial nutrient.
It performs a variety of jobs for the body.
They include immunological processes, muscular growth, enzymes, and the transportation of oxygen.
A significant source of energy is protein. [2]
You must consume these amino acids throughout your diet.
The body of your dog provides ample amounts of non-essential amino acids.
For dogs, fat is a crucial component of their diet.
It is an energy source that is incredibly dense.
The amount of calories in fat per gram is roughly 2.25 times higher than that of protein and carbohydrates.[3]
As a source of vital fatty acids, fat is also required.
Essential fatty acids can help pups’ in boosting immune systems and reducing inflammation.
They additionally help dogs’ bodies fight cancer more effectively and support heart health.
The two types of vitamin classifications are fat-soluble and water-soluble.
To convert protein and fat into energy for bodily functions, vitamins are essential.
Water-soluble vitamins must be ingested daily.
They cannot be stored in the body way fat-soluble vitamins can.
Among other things, fat-soluble vitamins are essential for your dog’s vision.
They help create cell membrane health and bone development.
Vets advise that dogs should consume chicken liver to provide high levels of niacin and B12.
Dogs can eat chicken liver twice per week when being small to medium size.
Organ Nutrition
Chicken liver |
Beef liver |
Chicken heart |
Beef kidney |
Vitamin D (IU) |
5 |
49 |
5 |
45 |
Vitamin B12 (µg) |
26 |
59,3 |
7,29 |
27,5 |
Riboflavin (mg) |
0,24 |
2,8 |
0,73 |
2,84 |
Niacin (mg) |
12 |
13,2 |
4,89 |
8,03 |
Thiamine (mg) |
0,33 |
0,2 |
0,15 |
0,36 |
Minerals are essential for a variety of bodily processes.
These include the synthesis of cartilage and bone and enzymatic reactions. [4]
They support hormone production and normal muscle and nerve function.
These micronutrients provide efficient oxygen delivery in the blood and fluid balance.
Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and salt are common categories of minerals.
Iron, zinc, and other trace minerals are in different categories.
The first category is more prevalent in your pet.
Compared to trace minerals, you should give your pet more of these in their diet.[5]
What is Organ Meat?
Organ meat is an internal organ and entrails of a large animal.
It is often called a “by-product,” but it excludes horns, hair, teeth, or intestines.
It usually comes from pigs, cows, sheep, and cattle.
But it can be prepared from smaller animals like chickens and ducks as well.
Types of Organ Meat for Your Dog
One of the best organ meats for dogs is the liver.
Dogs can eat raw liver or eat raw chicken.
It is a source of vitamin A, promoting a healthy reproductive system and good digestion.
Rich in folate, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy neural system, is beef liver.
CoQ10 is also abundant in the liver.
It is a potent enzyme that has been demonstrated to be helpful for joints and helpful for arthritic pets. [6]
CoQ10 can bolster the immune system and enhance heart performance.
The liver can also be beneficial for anemic dogs.
Iron is abundant in this organ meat for dogs.
Iron is important for distributing oxygen and minerals throughout the body.
Taurine, an essential amino acid supporting heart health, is distributed in the heart.
A factor that contributes to canine dilated cardiomyopathy is low taurine levels. [7]
Get your pet checked by your veterinarian if you suspect a taurine deficiency.
Hearts from chickens and cows are rich in B vitamins and vital fatty acids for a lustrous coat.
These are organ meats which are rich in iron.
This mineral is essential for maintaining healthy red blood cells.
CoQ10, an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress, is also abundant in the heart.
It prevents mitochondrial damage, which is the fundamental driver of cancer.
Vitamin A, which is essential for the functioning of the eyes, is abundant in the kidney.
Dogs with a shortage of this vitamin may experience night blindness and poor vision.
The kidneys of cattle can be used to obtain trace levels of selenium.
This antioxidant prevents inflammation and guarantees the health of all body cells.[8]
The term “green tripe” describes the lining of grazing animals’ stomachs.
It can be derived from deer, cows, and lambs.
The term “green” denotes that the tripe has not been treated or bleached.
This organ meat for dogs contains probiotics called Lactobacillus acidophilus. [9]
It encourages optimal nutrient absorption and maintains a healthy digestive system.
The brain and spinal cord tissue of their prey is frequently consumed by predators in the wild.
Neurologic tissue from cows may produce a condition comparable to chronic wasting syndrome.
Venison brains may include prions that can cause the disease.
Many pet food producers use the less dangerous porcine source of pig brains in products.
It is known as Mad Cow Disease. [10]
This food supplement may be used to treat or prevent neurological conditions.
It aids by giving the neurological system special nutrients.
How Often Should Your Dog Eat Organ Meat?
Your dog should eat organic meat once or twice per week.
Almost 25% of the weight of larger animals is made up of their organs.
Organs should comprise up to 25% of a dog’s diet following this proportion.
It should also be mirrored in the meal regimens of our canines.
The real quantity of organ meat that a dog should consume depends on the organs’ availability. [11]
No single organ should contribute more than 5% to 10%.
Don’t feed your dog more than 10% organic meat, for instance, if you can only get your hands on heart.
Organ Meat Preparation Rules
Most nutrition specialists recommend feeding organ meat to your dog raw.
This way, the meat will store all containing nutrients.
Cooking meat at high temperatures can dissolve proteins and vitamins.[12]
But, if you do choose cooked organ meat, make sure to cook it correctly and do not risk any illness to your pet.
The best way to prepare it is to grind it on a grinder.
You can separate it into small portions daily and freeze them separately.
Always keep the meat refrigerated to prevent spoiling and bad bacteria.
Gradually raising the amount of raw meat can help avoid digestion problems. [13]
These are the main reasons that make organ meat good for dogs.
Dogs can consume chicken liver (Raw Chicken Liver).
It’s among the best meat sources available to them.
It contains fewer calories and more protein than other types of liver.
When likened to pork or lamb liver, chicken liver is far more nutritious.
Chicken liver is also remarkably high in vitamins C and E, making it ideal for immune system support. [14]
When compared to beef liver, chicken liver has a slightly lower vitamin content.
However, beef liver is fattier and contains less iron.
Chicken liver contains more than enough vitamins and minerals.
It also contains more vit C, selenium, and iron than raw beef.
Side Effects of Feeding Your Dog Organ Meat
- Nutrients Overdose
- Bacterial Contamination
Nutrients Overdose
A lot of raw diets lack comprehensive and balanced nutrition.
These meals can result in malnutrition unless created by a veterinary nutrition specialist.
A 2011 investigation into the nutrient composition of raw food diets.
Investigators discovered substantial nutritional abnormalities in 60% of the diets.
Although they are frequently included in raw diets, bones may not be suitable for dogs. [15]
Chewing on bones risks breaking teeth and gut obstructions.
This is a result of the creation of bone fragments.
These injuries can occasionally pose a threat to life.
Vets advise eating low-protein dog food for liver disease.
This also goes for pets suffering from chronic kidney disease. [16]
Gluten and grains receive a poor rap for causing allergies and skin issues in canines.
In actuality, canine dietary allergies are comparatively infrequent.
Furthermore, when they do occur, beef is frequently to blame.
The most frequent sources of dog food allergies are the proteins found in beef and chicken.
At times, grain-free, high-protein dog foods are recommended as an allergy treatment.
If you don’t know what your canine is allergic to, they might even make matters worse. [17]
Bacterial Contamination
Raw foods are more likely than prepared diets to include bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli.
Even if your dog doesn’t become ill, it could still shed bacteria into your home.
Another animal or a person would later ingest it.
For those with compromised immune systems, these contagious pathogens can be quite harmful. [18]
The elderly and small children can be in danger.
Those on immunosuppressive drugs like chemotherapy can all fall within this category.
Organ Meat Alternatives
Canines adore the taste of organ meat, making it the perfect incentive for dog training of all kinds.
The majority of organ treats are “flavored with organs” and only have traces of entrails.
The other ingredients are usually hazardous additives and fillers. [19]
However, the majority of the organ meats’ temperature-sensitive nutrients are being destroyed.
This is conducted through the frequent use of high-temperature methods in production.
There are wholesome substitutes.
Organ meat is the sole ingredient in high-quality dog treats.
Dogs love the protein-rich taste of Raw Dinner Patties.
They are composed primarily of red meat, bones, and organs like lamb, goat, and beef liver.
If you want to provide big amounts of protein, Orgain Organic Powder can be a good substitution.
It contains 21g of plant-based protein and is low in carbs.
It is gluten-free and lactose-free for pets with sensitive guts. [20]
Is Organ Meat Good for Dogs?
Yes, organ meat is good for dogs.
This natural product is high in protein, fat, and vitamins.
Owners should be careful with the type and amount they feed their pets.
Before starting this diet, it’s advised to consult a professional.