It is possible but not replaceable. The dog’s liver will generally repair itself until it enters the degree that your dog has a regular liver function. You can achieve this if adequate care is done early; the healing degree depends on the hepatic injury’s precise source.

There are congenital liver diseases, but viruses or bacteria can also trigger these. Other types of diseases are cancers in which both the tumor itself and metastases from other organs can be found in the liver. If the liver does not function properly, the dog’s metabolism is disrupted – up to life-threatening proportions. Many liver diseases can be cured – however, cirrhosis of the liver, for example, is not reversible. Still, other conditions have a chronic course,

From a purely visual perspective, the dog’s liver looks like it does in other mammals, such as pigs – or humans. The organ’s size depends on the dog’s size; in a fully grown, healthy dog ​​of a large breed, the organ weighs a maximum of about 1500 grams, and of course, it is less in small breeds.

When to Euthanize A Dog With Liver Failure

It may be an agonizing task to determine whether to euthanize a puppy. Liver failure is a very complicated situation since the dog will also have decent poor days.

Speak to as many people as you can, so you feel relaxed and willing. Parents, colleagues, the veterinarian, and his team will help you with this choice.

Some people could have faced the same problem, and their strategies might help you cope. Chat about it to get a sense of what to foresee and what made them determine.

Watch your puppy! Do they have more bad days than good? Will they get up and walk, do any of the stuff they used to like?

There is no straightforward solution to that decision, and with every dog, it would be different. Please continue to give them as much affection and support as possible.

Speak to the doctor and strive to assess the comfort and discomfort rate of your animal every day. Finally, provide the best dog liver disease diet, so your dog doesn’t have much problem eating.

How to Treat Elevated Liver Enzymes In Dogs

The treatment of liver failure depends on the cause that originates it. The veterinarian can resort to blood tests, ultrasound, CT, or biopsies to reach the diagnosis.

If we face an infection, we must treat it with the appropriate drugs, always prescribed by our veterinarian. Blockages and some tumors can be resolved with surgery. 

Sometimes, it is also usually necessary to intervene and, if it is not possible, the encephalopathy that it produces will have to be treated. In summary, it will be the veterinarian who decides the treatment of the disease and the complications.

Your vet usually implies establishing a specific diet and various drugs to improve coagulation, prevent seizures, or avoid ulcers. Recovery and prognosis will depend on the damage that has occurred in the liver, especially for those prone to liver disease.

How Long Can a Dog Live With High Liver Enzymes

Life expectancy may vary. It depends on what types of liver problems occur.

Liver diseases are frequently the consequences or concomitant diseases of other diseases, often hard up for debate due to appropriate vaccination protection. Vital prevention is the timely vaccination.

Dogs with a hereditary predisposition should often have their liver values ​​examined in a laboratory. If the values ​​are ok, the dog is healthy, and the owner reassured.

Chemicals and poisons often cause lasting damage to the liver. The only way to avoid contact with such substances is to be vigilant within your own four walls and control the outlet.

If the dog falls ill with another disease that does not affect the liver, medication can possibly damage the liver as a side effect. The veterinarian, who weighs the prescription in terms of benefit and risk, also knows this.

Canine cancers affecting the liver can be treated with chemotherapy. However, the prospect of a total cure is challenging, but not without hope.

The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance to recover.