You can give your dog non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for tooth pain relief.

It can also be treated with opioids or other dental procedures.

Pain is a common symptom that alarms us when something is wrong with our pets.

Their teeth can cause discomfort for many different reasons.

Here’s all you need to know about tooth pain relief in dogs.

What to Give to Your Dog for Tooth Pain?

  • Why do Dogs Suffer from Tooth Pain?
  • Signs of Tooth Pain in Dogs
  • Best Treatment Options for Tooth Pain Relief
  • How to Prevent Tooth Pain in Dogs?

Why Do Dogs Suffer from Tooth Pain?

Dogs suffer from tooth pain due to cavities formation and inflammation.

They use their mouth and nose in much the same way as humans use their hands.

It is their primary tool for investigating and comprehending their surroundings.

They also use it for traversing their terrain and picking up objects.

Dogs’ teeth are more susceptible to damage than other parts of their body.

This is because they serve such crucial tasks (maybe except for the paws).

Up to 85% of pets older than three would benefit from routine visits to a pet dentist, according to studies. [1]

If the injury is not attended to or addressed, tooth pain develops.

The following are the most typical causes of dental pain:

  • Enlarged gums
  • Breakages
  • General uncleanliness

It can also be caused due to tooth decay.

This process develops into a cavity and can even destroy the tooth nerves.

Teething pain can also cause discomfort in your dog, but this develops when it’s young. [2]

Signs of Tooth Pain in Dogs

Dental pain can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

It all depends on the severity of the discomfort and the temperament of the dog.

An affected dog might not always display obvious signs of suffering.

When pressure is applied around the tooth’s root with a dental probe, pain may develop.

This usually occurs after it has been brought to the vet’s office and examined by the vet specialist. [3]

However, there are times when you can spot mouth discomfort symptoms at home.

These indicators could be:

  • Less desire to consume dry food
  • Reduced desire for hard candy
  • Excessive drooling
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Chewing more slowly than normal
  • Dropping food from the mouth while chewing
  • Decrease in resistance to being touched near its mouth

Other markers of dental disease may also point to dental discomfort.

These symptoms could include foul breath, obviously loose teeth, or muzzle swelling. [4]

Best Treatment Options for Tooth Pain Relief

Several medications—like some natural antibiotics, thyroid, and heart medications—can be taken.

Even if a particular human medication is safe for dogs to take, the dosing is different.

Some drugs that are safe for humans may be harmful or even fatal to dogs.

So sometimes considering a natural pain relief can help.

These over-the-counter pain remedies should never be given to dogs:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin)
  • Naproxen (Aleve)

These drugs have the potential to harm the liver, kidneys, and stomach.

Before offering your dog any human medication, always consult your veterinarian.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in dogs.

The purpose is for reducing pain and inflammation. [5]

Owners should administer only recommended drugs to the dog.

NSAIDs come in both over-the-counter and prescription forms.

Some pets might not be able to take this kind of medication. 

These groups include canines with pre-existing hepatic or renal illnesses.

Opioid medications act on brain receptors to reduce moderate to severe pain.

They may be prescribed following surgery or included in anesthesia protocols. [6]

They must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

It is required to maintain a dispensing log that the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) can audit.

Pets who use opioids may experience side effects such as:

  • Panting
  • Slower breathing
  • Salivation
  • Motion sickness
  • Vocalizing
  • Sedation/lethargy
  • Hyperactivity [7]

Treatments for dental issues involve root canals or the extraction of damaged teeth.

The dental work may be done on the same day as the cleaning.

Your veterinarian may also spread it out across several visits.

This will help reduce your dog’s stress and the time spent under anesthesia.

Your dog may also be given oral drugs by your veterinarian, most of which we mentioned in the text above. [8]

How to Prevent Tooth Pain in Dogs?

You can prevent tooth pain in dogs by brushing every day.

The purpose of brushing is to get rid of plaque, which is a fuzzy buildup of bacteria and food particles on teeth.

If your dog doesn’t like this process – you can try other variants that don’t include brushing.

It’s crucial to clean your dog’s teeth every day.

Plaque starts to harden into tartar after sitting on the teeth for around 24 hours.

Your veterinarian might be able to give you some advice on how to make brushing more bearable.

Alternatively, your veterinarian may suggest medicated chews and/or mouth rinses. [9]

Can You Give Dogs Tylenol for Teething?

No, you cannot five dogs Tylenol for teething.

It can rarely be used, but there are many other better alternatives.

Tylenol can be very toxic to dogs.

It is very likely to cause kidney or liver failure.

What to Give a Dog for Tooth Pain?

You can give your dog NSAIDs for tooth pain.

It can also be treated with opioids and dental procedures.

Owners should never give medications to their dogs on their own.

Whenever you suspect tooth pain, you should seek professional veterinary advice.[10]
