You can stop a German Shepherd from barking by providing it with a lot of exercises.

These dogs are very energetic and friendly.

They also provide territorial dominance, which can result in excessive barking.

There are many ways to stop German Shepherds (GSD) from baking.

Let’s look more deeply into some of them.

How to Stop My German Shepherd from Barking?

  • Lots of Exercises
  • Give More Attention
  • Reward Compliance
  • Socialize Him from an Early Age
  • Ignore Attention-Seeking Behavior

Lots of Exercises

There are times when you feel like your dog won’t stop barking ever.

The first thing you should do is help ensure that your GSD is receiving plenty of exercise.

If it is not receiving enough exercise, help it to release its pent-up energy.

This will help in feeling better and minimizing destructive behavior.

It will also reduce the amount of barking he does.

You may discover that the exercises you are providing are not sufficient. [1]

In such cases, you will need to come up with strategies to make their play session more challenging.

If you realize that walking alone is not enough, you must try to improve its effectiveness.

It could be accomplished by walking faster, longer, or even in hilly terrain.

It can be achieved by wearing a pet vest with no more than 10% of its overall weight.

An effective way to reduce the reactivity of GSDs is by socializing them with other dogs. [2]

It is also possible to train it to play fetch games.

It is a useful approach to offer your German Shepherd a fair amount of action.

It requires lots of running with a little break in between.

Training it to swim is another choice.

It is an excellent approach to exhaust your dog quickly.

It will utilize a huge amount of energy, waving its limbs around enough to stay above water.

It is also great during the summertime as it keeps the dogs cool.

If you do not have enough time to train your pet, you can hire a dog trainer for this purpose.

Give More Attention

The next step is to teach your dog to seek permission for instructions before he begins barking.

It would perform effectively if you are doing it before it starts barking rather than after.

To accomplish this, you will have to acquire some treats or snacks that your GSD enjoys.

Then you would have to grab its attention and reward it when you believe he is going to bark.

You might assume you are praising it for when he is going to bark.

But what you are doing is encouraging it to look at you first before attempting to bark. [3]

If you are doing it after it begins barking, you will need to grab its attention and reward it with a treat.

You should keep doing this until your dog stops barking.

Reward Compliance

When teaching your German Shepherd not to howl, it is essential to treat it if he does whenever you want it to.

It indicates that if you are in a scenario in which he would usually bark.

It is not because of the instruction mentioned above, you must praise it for it.

Socialize Him from an Early Age

GSD has a very high IQ and learns from experience.

Connecting it to other pets from a young age will create a good habit.

There will be no aggression and stress during interactions later in life.

A study was performed using two different training methods.

The one that used negative reinforcement had higher levels of stress.

The one using a positive-reinforcement method showed increased attentiveness toward people and dogs.   [4]

It will assist to cut its aggressive behavior and anger while you are around other canines.

It will also minimize the amount of barking it does as a grown-up.

Ignore Attention-Seeking Barking

If your GSD is howling for your attention, then you should ignore it when he is barking without motive.

Give treats once it has gone quiet for a bit.

It will teach the concept that barking will not get what it wants, but staying silent will. [5]

It is important to remember that during attention barking.

You should overlook it and not scold it, as even unwanted attention will give it what he wants.

Why Does My German Shepherd Bark So Much?

  • Attention/Boredom
  • Protection
  • Territorial Dominance


GSDs are energetic dogs who would spend hours each day working with their owners.

They must frequently exercise as a result.

They will become bored if they do not get a lot of activity.

They may become destructive and bark more frequently when they are bored.

They bark because they need stimulation and more attention.

The reason for your GSD’s barking may be that it isn’t receiving enough exercise.

Make sure to give it exercise every day in hopes of fixing it. [6]


A German Shepherd dog is constantly aware of what is going on in and around your home.

The dog thinks it is its responsibility to protect the family.

German Shepherd dogs become frightened by even the smallest sound.

They can hear moving cars or even tiny garden critters like squirrels or birds.

They believe that each of the aforementioned poses a threat to it and its owners.

The dog starts to bark loudly as a result of the first urge to chase the sounds away.

You can prevent this unwanted habit by properly socializing your German Shepherd.

Territorial Dominance

If your German Shepherd (GSD) begins to bark at the guest, reassure that there is no danger.

Show your friendliness to the visitor by opening the door and allowing them to enter.

Give your GSD a treat if it stops barking.

Continue doing this until he gains control of its barking. [7]

If that doesn’t work, train your dog to be quiet when asked.

Ignore your dog if he begins to bark.

You tell your dog to be quiet after it stops, then you reward it.

Their high adaptive intelligence helps them remain calm after a few training sessions.

Do All German Shepherds Bark a Lot?

Maybe all German Shepherds bark a lot.

It all depends on the individual character of the dog.

They are protective and energetic dogs that come out barking and playing around.

Can German Shepherds Be Trained Not to Bark?

  • Territorial/Alarm Barking
  • “Quiet” Training
  • “Go to Your Spot” Training
  • Greeting Barking
  • Attention – Seeking Barking
  • Compulsive Barking
  • Anti-Barking Collars

Territorial/Alarm Barking

The anticipation of a perceived threat is the driving force behind territorial behavior.

They place such a high focus on territory defense.

When they notice intruders approaching close, many dogs are driven to bark. [8]

A dog’s motivation to defend its territory should be diminished to treat barking.

You must prevent your dog from seeing people and other animals if you want to control its behavior.

Territorial barking and alarm barking are similar.

They are sparked by sounds and feel like your dog barks at everything.

There are a few effective ways to stop them from barking.

One of them is the positive reinforcement method.

Yet, when they are on unfamiliar ground, dogs that alarm bark may do so in response to items that frighten them.

“Quiet” Training

Train your dog that when someone knocks on the door or drives by, it is welcome to bark until you command it to be quiet.

Embrace three to four barks from your dog.

Finally, say, “Quiet”.

Stop screaming.

Just calmly and clearly state the order.

Next, return to your dog and say “Quiet” while gently holding its snout closed with your palm.

Call your dog away from the door or window, let go of its muzzle, and then move away.

Then, tell your dog to sit and reward it with a goodie. [9]

If it stays by your side and doesn’t start barking, give it treats for the following several minutes.

If your dog starts barking again right away, repeat the previous steps.

“Go to Your Spot” Training

Choose a location in your house where you want your dog to go when visitors knock on the door.

Choose a location that is within sight of the front entrance but at least eight feet distant if at all possible.

It might be a place at the top of a flight of stairs, inside the doorway of a room next to you.

It also might be in your dog’s crate or on a rug placed in the far corner of an entrance. [10]

When you want your dog to go somewhere, say your command.

Show a treat, and then throw the treat there.

Ten to twenty times, repeat this series.

Greeting Barking

Keep your welcomes pleasant.

To prevent your dog from barking when visitors arrive at the door, teach them to sit and remain.

He will become less excited as a result.

Train it to sit and remain when no one is at the door so that he is familiar with the conduct.

Do this before asking it to perform it with the distraction of visitors arriving.

If your dog enjoys playing with toys, place one of the favorites close to the front door.

Then encourage it to get the item before greeting you or your visitors.

It won’t bark as much if it learns to hold a toy in its mouth. [11]

Attention – Seeking Barking

Pets will do anything, including continuous bark, to win their owners’ attention.

You must continually quit rewarding your dog for barking if you want to silence.

Don’t try to determine the precise cause of its barking.

Instead, ignore it.

Therapy for this type of barking can be challenging.

Dog owners promote the behavior by making eye contact, petting, and awarding them.

Compulsive Barking

Your dog may be a compulsive barker if it engages in actions like spinning or jumping while barking.

You might experiment with altering your dog’s confinement to decrease compulsive barking. [12]

For instance, if your dog is now restrained by a leash or tether, you can move to let it run free in a secure yard.

Enhance exercise and mental stimulation if you leave it alone for protracted periods.

Anti-Barking Collars

There are many tools available to train dogs to stop barking.

These are collars that cause dogs to bark while delivering an unpleasant stimulus.

A loud bang, an ultrasonic noise, a mist of citronella, or a quick electric shock could all serve as the stimulus.

Some of the best types include the NBJU Bark Collar, which has 7 adaptable stimuli levels.

For a small dog, owners recommend the DogRook Bark Collar.

In a study performed on 41 dogs, the citronella collar reduced barking by 76,7%.

The scentless collar was shown to be effective on 58,6% of the dogs. [13]

Mistakes You Should Avoid

Do not stimulate your dog to bark at noises by saying,

“Who’s there?” or peering out the windows.

If your dog barks at certain noises, like car doors slamming or children playing, do not penalize it.

Urge it to bark in response to other noises, such as knocks on the door.

Never use rope, cord, rubber bands, or anything else to secure your dog’s muzzle.

This practice is harmful, hurtful, and brutal.

Can German Shepherds Be Trained Not to Bark? 

Yes, German Shepherds can be trained not to bark.

You may achieve that by acknowledging the cause of barking first.

To help your GSD, you can perform the “quiet” training or “go to your spot” training.

If you feel like these are not helpful, you can always ask for professional help.
