Your dog is chattering his teeth after yawning because of cold air, pain, or it can just happen.
This can be normal or a symptom of an underlying condition.
If this behavior continues, you should pay closer attention.
It’s essential to take pictures of dog’s teeth.
This way, vets can see if there are changes, damage, discoloration, and breaks in the teeth and gums.
4 Reasons Why Dogs Chatter Their Teeth After Yawning
- Cold Temperature
- Anxiety or Stress
- Pain or Discomfort
- Medical Conditions
Cold Temperatures
Cold temperatures are one of the harmless causes of teeth chattering in dogs.
Dogs can chatter with their teeth on a cold morning when they yawn.
Preventing this is easy.
If you keep your dog outside, make sure to place a blanket in their house.
If your dog is an inside and outside dog, make sure to have a doggy door so it can come in when it’s cold.
Shivering and chattering can happen after a bath too.
Make sure to dry your dog with a towel and dryer and keep it warm.
Dogs like Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and German Shepherds like the cold.
Little dogs might require a sweater on their winter walks.
The best way to check if your dog is cold is by touching their paws.
Make sure they are always warm and dry. [1]
Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety in dogs is often related to a past event or ongoing trauma.
Stress can be caused by fear, separation, and even aging.
Some dogs get anxious around new spaces.
Loud noises also bother these dogs.
Unknown dogs or people approaching them can make them aggressive.
This can cause teeth to chatter as a response to the stimuli.
Separation from long-time owners can cause chattering from fear.
That owner made them feel safe, and they’re no longer around them.
Separation anxiety is present in 1 out of 4 dogs. [2]
If they’re left in a shelter, fear can also be a factor in chattering.
Senior dogs experience cognitive dysfunction syndrome-CDS.
This is similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans.
This may cause frequent urination and drooling when they’re anxious.
Other signs in anxious and stressed dogs are compulsive behaviors, restlessness, and pacing.
Excessive barking and destructive behavior are also signs of anxiety. [3]
It is expected, if these are the cases, for them to chatter when they yawn too.
Pain and Discomfort
Dogs usually vocalize when they’re in pain.
In some situations, though, this is presented by chattering. [4]
Chattering is most commonly found if the pain is in their mouth.
Causes may range from toothache to mandibular joint pain.
Tumors or painful growths in the mouth are also followed by chattering after a yawn.
If the dog is in pain, it may also shiver, even in a warm environment.
Medical Conditions
Reason | Symptoms |
Cold Temperature | Shivering, covering the nose, wanting to go inside |
Anxiety and Stress | Aggression, barking, restlessness, drooling, peeing |
Pain and Discomfort | Cavity, painful joint or teeth, tumor, inflammation |
Medical Condition | Seizures, Parkinson’s Disease |
Aside from toothache and joint pain, there is one condition you have to be careful about.
Seizures are a common but dangerous condition in dogs.
In this state, a dog is unaware of its surroundings.
It lays on its side and convulses for a few minutes. [5]
When the seizure ends, it’s disoriented.
Focal motor seizure and teeth chattering is common.
This is because the muscle fibers in the whole body tighten.
This leads to shaking in every part, including the jaw.
In a test group, 74% of subjects had a stress-related epileptic seizure. [6]
The most frequently reported factors included stress, sleep deprivation, weather, and hormonal factors.
Seizures are not breed-specific.
This particular study was done on 29 dog breeds.
Another condition is Parkinson’s’ Disease.
This is a rare condition in dogs.
It happens when dopamine levels are constantly low.
This affects the nerve cells.
It presents itself with unbalanced walking.
Other signs are shaking of the head and chattering teeth.
Its more obvious signs are restlessness, stiff muscles, and leg tremors.
Signs to Look Out for to Determine the Reason Behind the Behavior
- Body Language
- Behavioral Changes
- Other Symptoms
Body Language
It’s normal for body language to change when something is not right. [7]
In the cold, they ball up so they can retain the warmth.
Chattering comes naturally, the same as in humans.
Dogs are preppy creatures.
But when they feel like they’re in danger, their fight or flight activates.
In stressful situations, some may bristle their neck hairs, similar to cats.
They also arch their backs to look bigger.
Others get scared easily.
They hide, usually behind the owner.
If they’re on a leash, they may stop walking and pull on the opposite side of the danger.
In these cases, chattering can either be to scare or to show that they’re scared.
When they are in pain, they look tired or distressed, depending on the severity of the pain.
Some are panicked, especially when they are taken to the vet.
Seizures are easy to spot.
Severe shaking is observed.
In these situations, we have to let the seizure pass and we have to protect the head from getting injured.
Chattering during a seizure is common and may lead to tongue injury.
Behavioral Changes
In abnormal situations, dogs may do strange things.
Stress and boredom can lead to compulsive licking of the paws.
This can lead to injury of the licked skin.
To stop this, it’s essential to take the dog to a relaxed place and give it plenty of toys.
That way, it’ll pay attention to them instead of the licking site.
Some dogs become aggressive.
They bark, growl, and show their teeth.
This is more common in packs or in abused dogs.
Their ears lay flat on their head.
Worried dogs may lower their ears and yawn, followed by teeth chattering.
They are alert and have their ears and head lowered. [8]
Other Symptoms
A normal but unusual behavior is teeth chattering after licking urine.
Although dogs do this because they want to get to know other dogs, it may have an underlying cause.
Some of these include toothache, gum pain, or mandibular joint pain.
White Dog Shaker Syndrome is a newer find.
This syndrome is also accompanied by body shaking.
It also involves involuntary eye movements and chattering teeth.
Not much is known, but veterinarians believe it’s caused by brain swelling.
Connected to yawning- dreaming can make a dog chatter its teeth too.
They can also bark.
How to Address the Behavior
- Adjusting Environmental Temperature
- Identifying and Addressing Anxiety or Stress
- Addressing Pain or Discomfort
- Treating Underlying Medical Conditions
Adjusting Environmental Temperature
Ideal temperature for all dogs doesn’t exist.
Each breed of dog has a preference.
Signs of cold or overheating are obvious.
When a dog is cold it will shiver and cover its snout.
It will also look for a place to hide and be warm.
Overheated dogs pant in order to lower their body temperature.
Panting doesn’t always mean that they’re uncomfortable.
They’re just maintaining their optimal temperature. [9]
Panting and overheating start in spring.
This is when they also shed the most to adjust.
Identifying and Addressing Anxiety or Stress
Dogs will show their anxiety and stress through body language.
Stress manifests itself with growling, barking, and pacing.
If a dog is stressed and anxious, it may also bite.
Stressed and/or bored dogs also destroy property.
So it’s important to manage it in time.
Growling is a way for your dog to tell you they’re uncomfortable or threatened.
Most of the time, they’re just warning that something or someone is in their space.
Barking is a response to anxiety.
It’s also a way to communicate with the owner about how they feel.
Neither growling nor barking should be suppressed.
The owner needs to understand that the dog is uncomfortable.
They need to get it out of the situation or place.
Pacing is normal during meal times and short periods.
But if it happens often, it may be a sign of anxiety.
In older dogs, it’s an early sign of dementia.
Freezing is the most worrying sign.
In training, it means submission.
But if a dog freezes in dangerous situations, it can be bad for the dog and the owner. [10]
Addressing Pain or Discomfort
If your dog is in pain or discomfort, you should consult a veterinarian.
After a visit to the vet, follow their instructions.
If other side effects appear, call your vet again.
Do this especially if the side effects appear after taking medicine.
Don’t give any over-the-counter medicine to your dog without a consultation. [11]
Treating Underlying Medical Conditions
Issues |
Symptoms |
Joint pain |
Painful opening and closing of the mouth, painful chewing, loss of appetite |
Relocating (if dislocated), surgery followed by painkillers, muscle relaxors |
Broken tooth |
Trauma, chewing hard objects |
Dental work or extraction |
Dental abscess
Bad breath, decreased appetite, pain, swelling, fever, drooling |
Pain medications, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, root canals, and extraction |
Cavity |
Bad breath, pain, avoiding cold water, chewing on one side |
Filling and pain medications |
Inflamed gums |
Red and swollen gums, bad breath, plaque |
Dental work to remove plaque, teeth polishing |
Any medical condition can lead to stress in an animal.
Finding out what’s wrong with your pet is important to maintain their welfare.
Chattering after yawning can be connected to many conditions.
And the culprit is usually in the mouth.
For these medical conditions, a dental appointment is needed.
Dog’s dental routine starts with teeth scraping.
In some situations, that is enough to fix the problem with chattering.
However, sometimes more thorough interventions are needed. [12]
When to Consult a Veterinarian
- If the Behavior Persists or Worsens
- If Other Symptoms Appear
- If the Behavior Seems Unusual or Concerning
If the Behavior Persists or Worsens
You should consult your veterinarian as soon as you see different behavior.
Don’t wait for it to become worse.
That may have consequences for you and your dog.
Growling could become biting in a day.
If Other Symptoms Appear
Waiting too long and ignoring warning signs may lead to new signs appearing.
Dental issues are connected to the general health of a dog.
A damaged tooth in a chihuahua.
Predisposes them to other infections and possible systemic complications.
If the Behavior Seems Unusual or Concerning
Symptoms you should keep an eye on |
Whining after chattering |
Lost interest in food and spasm in mouth |
Lost interest in chew toys |
Fever |
Not letting you touch their snout |
Pulling snout away from you |
Dogs that are chattering teeth after yawning could be a normal thing.
If this persists, it’s not normal.
Aside from the jaw chattering, your dog may start whining, drooling, and dropping food.
After a while, it may stop eating.
You must take steps before it comes to that. [13]
Why Does My Dog Chatter His Teeth While Sleeping?
Your dog chatters his teeth while sleeping because he is dreaming.
Just like humans, dogs chatter when sleeping.
Chattering, barking, and growling in their sleep are normal.
You can also check the temperature on its paws to make sure the chattering isn’t from cold.
Why Does My Dog’s Jaw Quiver After Yawning?
Your dog’s jaw quivers after yawning because they’re happy.
If you have a close relationship with your dog, it may be exciting to see you.
Dogs are energetic and positive creatures.
Waking up means a new day and a new adventure.
The quivering after yawning may be the excitement they’re trying to contain.
If your dog is sick, quivering after yawning may be a sign that they’re nauseous.
Other signs are lip-smacking, drooling, and vomiting. [14]
Seizures are also a cause of quivering.
Don’t forget to keep your dogs warm.
They may be quivering because they’re cold.
This can be seen as their whole body shaking too.
Why Does My Dog Shake When She Yawns?
Your dog shakes when she yawns to wake itself up faster.
They do this after sleep.
When they wake up, they stretch and yawn.
They may also shake their head and lick their lips.
The shaking is used to wake their body up.
Yawning does the same.
Studies have shown that yawning in humans releases hormones.
They increase the heart rate and alertness.
This wakes up their brains. [15]
It’s the same in dogs.
Dogs can also shake after yawning when they’re bored.
Shaking of the head may indicate that there is an ear infection.
This is accompanied by a head tilt.
Make sure to schedule a checkup with the vet.
Why Is My Dog Chattering His Teeth After a Walk?
Your dog is chattering his teeth after a walk because he may be excited.
Dogs love the outdoors.
Excitement and happiness might be the cause of chattering.
Other dogs and situations might stress your dog.
This can also cause chattering.
Cold weather might be another reason.
Make sure your dog is warm on and after a walk.
Why Does My Dog’s Jaw Chatter When He Yawns?
Your dog’s jaw chatters when he yawns because of a potential dental problem.
Chattering can be a normal behavior when it’s not persistent.
If your dog keeps chattering after yawning, start paying attention to its behavior.
Anxiety, stress, and pain can cause chattering as well.
With well-trained and expressive dogs, it will be easier.
The signs that it’s time to take it to the vet should be obvious. [16]
You might be curious, do puppies grind teeth when teething, and if your dog is still a puppy, this is normal.
Teeth coming out can be irritating and painful for them.
Make sure to consult your vet on how to deal with this.